Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Its been awhile!

Well.... James is really turning into a big boy! He is soooo sweet and when I see how much more he does everyday it reminds me how quickly it goes away. :( He is more active and he enjoys standing, with our help, of course. He has not rolled over yet, but I'm sure it is going to happen soon. I am also convinced that he has started the teething process! I know it seems crazy but he is drooling a lot and chewing a lot, so.... we'll see :) I've also recently used the exasaucer, as you can see in the picture, and James just LOVES it! He can't quite stand in it but he does a superman-looking move and he just laughs and laughs! It makes me happy to see him so smiley and I enjoy every minute I spend with him. I never thought I'd want to be a stay-at home mom, but I would love it if it I could! In a few weeks James will be 4 months old, and his daddy 25- everyone is growing up! :) And soon to follow- solid foods... :)