Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Too Long- Again.....

OK, so its been a bit since I've updated James' blog and it is long overdue! There is much to catch up on!
Our trip to England was WONDERFUL! James was a total trooper on the plane ride. Our flight was overnight and James pretty much slept or smiled the whole way from Chicago to London. When we were boarding our flight a guy kinda rolled his eyes, and then when the plane was landing he commented on how well behaved James was. Go baby! The first week that we were there we pretty much did a lot of touring around and seeing family. James was really great about being dragged around everywhere and by the end of the trip he learned to just pass out whenever he felt tired and it was pretty cute. We stayed with Chuck's cousin Michael, his wife Larisa, and their 18mth old Sasha. James and Sasha are cousins, and even though they won't remember it, it was really nice for them to get to see each other. Larisa is from the Ukraine so Sasha speaks Ukranian and its super cute! The word for baby is lela, and Sasha would always say "Lela James, Lela James" whenever he would see or hear him and we started calling James that too. The house we stayed in is about 500 years old and has paintings of family members from Chuck's father's mother side of the family so that was pretty neat to see, and James def gets his blue eyes from them! We also were in England for the Art Award in honor of Grandma Joan, James' great-grandmother, who died the year before Chuck was born. It was the 20th year this had been going on and all four generations were there so that was super neat to be there for that. I hope that Grandpa Richard lives long enough for James to actually remember him because I think that was be increadible. I mean I think its pretty cool that James has two great-grandparents but I hope he gets to have memories he can remember with them as well.
James also managed to get his first "illness" while we were on our trip. About the middle of the second week James developed conjuctivitis, so we ended up going to an urgent treatment/ER if you will in Trowbridge. That was quite interesting and of course that has to happen when we are NOT at home but abroad, go figure. On the flip side of that, his tear duct that was blocked got cleared up so WOO HOO! We did manage to come home with some pretty nasty colds so that wasn't very much fun, but at least it was at the end. We made some great memories and I'm looking forward to going back. It was really great to spend time with the other set of grandparents and Chuck's family is great and we hardly get to see them so this really was a treat. Our first trip with James was a success and now I'm looking forward to a beach trip. :)
In other big news, James got his first two bottom teeth in a few days after hitting 6 months!! They are adorable and so far there are none others to be found. Also, James has almost mastered crawling. He can roll over from his back to his front but mostly he just scoots around and he's getting close to figuring out how to crawl but he's not there yet.
Thats about it for now and I will try and updated again sooner than I have!!!