Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Mr. Man

James is growing like a weed!! He is trying soooo hard to walk, he's getting closer and closer everyday! He has his three of his top teeth in and is working on the fourth- that will give him 6 teeth! He has also learned to kiss, wave bye-bye, and say "momma". :) I am already missing have a little baby but I LOVE how much he is interacting with everyone. He is soo much fun and I find myself not wanting to go to work or really do anything but stay home and play with him. I am really looking forward to taking him to the zoo, and if the weather holds out maybe we'll go at the end of summer/beginning of fall. Other than those things its been the normal routine baby stuff, which is fine by me! We are sooo luck to have such an amazingly wonderful and well behaved baby. Not to mention healthy which you just never know what you are going to get. Anyway, I will post some pictures here when I download them because he is just tooo cute and we have gotten some really great ones.