Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Talk about a long while

OK so due to a computer assignment I had to go create a blog account and then I realized how terrible of a blogger I was since I haven't posted anything on here in over a YEAR!! And we all know how babies go, a year changes EVERYTHING. Needless to say James is a whole new baby. Not that I can even call him a baby anymore :( He has done wonderfully and is becoming an amazing boy!! He doesn't really walk anymore he just runs, and he's been learning words I had no idea he even knew about!! Yesterday we went to the park and he actually counted from 3-9!!! Totally random but at least its a start. Normally he likes saying 4,6,9 and in no particular order. A big event of his life today is that he started daycare. I myself have started back to school and so this was really our only option. Chuck and I are both working full time and my schedule was flexible enough to allow me to go back to school but not enough to not need daycare. So this morning when I dropped him off he did OK when we walked in but when I handed him over, that was the end of it. He cried, I cried, disaster. On my break in lecture I called to check on him and of course, he stopped crying when I left and has been playing non-stop ever since. Go figure, mommy cried more. I guess that's the joys of motherhood, as wonderful as it is, it can be totally heart-wrenching. But I wouldn't trade it for the world.
Alas, now that I've established a 'base', I can blog more often since I'll actually be using my computer WAY more now that I'm in school!!