Thursday, December 18, 2008

Smiles :)

Well the good news is that I made it through my first day of work on Tuesday but now I have a three day stretch ahead of me and I am going to be so exhausted on top of missing James! Oh well c'est la vie.
New with James in the past few days is that he is starting to laugh and smile when he recognizes Chuck and I and it is sooo cute! We gave him a bath last night and after it was over he was cooing and talking and laughing and it was the cutest thing ever! :) Also he slept 7 and 1/2 hours STRAIGHT last night WOO HOO! I hope he does it again tonight because that just might be the best Christmas present. Other than that, he is growing and changing more and more everyday and I just can't believe it! People talk about how fast things go and they say "this time next year....." which is nice and all but I am trying to focus on him right now, and not what he will or will not be in one year, because he will be a million times different.
James, Chuck, and I got family Christmas pictures today. :) They are cute and I love getting them done!

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