Wednesday, January 14, 2009


James got baptized this past weekend! He did sooo great and he only cried when he got dunked in the water! We had a super great turn out of people and it was sooo nice to have everyone there and to be able to spend time with family and friends. We had some of our friends fly in from CT, and grandparents come in from CO. James had both of his great-grandparents there, and both sets of grandparents, cousins, aunts and uncles. He is totally one lucky kid! I had so much fun and I know that Chuck did too. James ended up sleeping all afternoon once it was over because I guess all the commotion and attention got to him- hard life that little man leads. We also got to take tons of pictures and video of it. The whole church was full of people and Saturday also happened to be my grandma's 80th brithday as well. What a delight!?!
We are up visting my parents for the day and James will be spending 2 days and 3 nights here... I know he enjoys his time with his grandparents but I miss him soooo much when I'm not with him, and I hope he doesn't think that I am like abandoning him here or something. Not that this is abandonment because he gets more than plenty of attention and care. :) I guess I just have something to look forward to at the end of the weekend and two long days of work. Anyway, we are sending my grandma off today back to Germany. :( She will be missed but we will just have to keep her updated with tons of pictures! :)

Monday, January 5, 2009

Well the holidays were tons of fun, but over super quick. James got tons of stuff, of course, and from mommy and daddy he got lots of clothes for later and a couple teething rings! He slept through the opening of his gifts but we did get some super cute pictures of him with a Santa hat on in front of the tree. Also big news is that James spent a night away from mommy and daddy! Chuck and I both had to work New Years Eve until 10/11pm and we knew finding a sitter would be a challenge that late, so my dad came and got him and he spent the night up there and then came home New Years Day. My parents said he did really good and slept through the night for them. I did miss him a lot but Chuck and I had a great time and enjoyed our evening regardless. I knew he was in good hands so I wasn't too worried about it.
James is of course, continually growing everyday and he really never cease to amaze me. He is still smiling at me and he is baby talking more and more and I love it!
James is also getting baptized this weekend and I am so excited to see everyone and see how James does with it all. And because of this event Mammy (G-ma Oexmann) and Auntie Oex (Helen) are coming to town Tuesday to Sunday so YAY!!Helen finally gets to meet her nephew so hopefully they can spend some time together!
More to come soon.....