Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Catching up!!

I finally have a computer so I can update the blog more frequently! Yay!

The above pictures would be James eating his first veggie tonight. It was spinache, and he is clearly delighted! :) Actually he did really good, and we've been practicing with rice cereal so he is getting better and better everyday at getting the hang of eating. I am trying to make my own baby food. I figured it would be good thing for James and it would save us a lot of money. However, the spinach I made tonight, and I know this is gross, looked JUST like James' baby poop. It kinda made my stomach turn but I had to remind myself it was just spinach and its good for him. I don't envy his having to suck down formula and munch on baby food. :)

On a happy note, we went for his 4 month check up-yes he is four months old- last Monday. James is 27in. long, and 18.6 lbs. The other day I finally went through all of his clothes and took out everything that was 3-6 months and replaced it 6-9 months. There are a few 3-6 month things that fit him, but for the most part they are too short on him, or his head is too big! He is growing up so fast I can't even believe, or stand it for that matter.

The lastest and greatest big event that is going to happen soon is that we are going to England!! We applied for James' passport a few weeks ago, we have our tickets and I am working out the baggage logistics. However, even more exciting is that Chucks family is also going to be there!! Joan is meeting us in Lexington and flying with us from Cincy to Chicago where.... his other sister, mom, dad (Mammy and grandpa), and Grandpa Richard (great-grandpa for James), are all going to meet us and from there we are flying to London! How exciting! I am sooo happy that James is going to get to spend oodles of time with his other set of grandparents and to see where they are from. Not that he will be remember but thats what the video and photo camera are for!! I'm excited to see everyone and I think it will be a really great time and to meet everyone over there! I'm all about family time and we are going to be together for 2 week and I can't wait! I'm not too worried about James on the flight, I think he'll do fine and we have plenty of helping hands so thats really good. James also has a baby cousin in England he gets to meet and I think that'll be great! We have so much going on the next few weeks and it'll be hectic but well worth it! Chucks parents have been so great about getting everything arranged we couldn't do it without them, and I only wish they were closer so we could see them more!
Anyway, thats about it in our lives at the moment but more to come soon on our upcoming adventures in veggies, packing for trips, and growing up!

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