Monday, December 22, 2008

2 months!

James smiling today!
That was James the day I had to go back to work last week- he just melts me!

It is soooo hard to believe that my little nugget is 2 months old!! He keeps changing and he is ssssoooo adorable I don't know what to do with myself! He went to the pediatrician today and he is 14.68 lbs and 25 in long- big boy! Of course, he was never tiny to begin with so that takes care of that. He also got his first set of shots today and so far so good but I have been giving him Tylenol every 4 hours just in case- it can't hurt and it might be what is keeping him so pleasant. We went to the mall today and picked up our Christmas pictures and they turned out super duper cute!! :)
Also, the other night James managed to get the pacifier in his crib, into his mouth, and he slept and extra hour and half or so until about 8 am- I like his new talent. :)
Anyway, we are super excited about Christmas and I am happy James is here to celebrate with us!

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