Friday, December 12, 2008

Little Things

So tonight I really needed a shower, and Chuck was at work closing, and James was not willing to take a nap long enough...soo.... I laid him in his crib and then I took these pictures because he was soooo cute!!! I turned his mobile on that has little animals and spins and plays a lullaby since I figured by now he might be able to see them and he totally could! He kept staring and smiling, and he even laughed a few times while it was playing. It would stop and whenever I would turn it on again he would start smiling again! It made me tear up cause he is just getting so big and I'm so scared if I'm not attentive enough I just might miss something. His smiles melt my heart, how can you not love that?
However, that was his best 15min because for the rest of the evening he proceeded to be SUPER fussy, so much so that I even took his temp thinking that would be it but thankfully it wasn't. I'm going to assume it was gas since that seems to cause us the most trouble. I might bring that up when we go for our 2 month check up.
Also, I go back to work in 4 days. :( Sad Day.

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