Sunday, November 30, 2008

Fa la la....

Sorry about my leg in the way but that was James' Thanksgiving outfit! He's ready for turkey!
Yay for being clean- this was before Thanksgiving but I thought I'd throw it in just cause.
Family photo :)
James and daddy on Thanksgiving! How sweet! :)

Thanksgiving was a BLAST! It was kinda exhausting cooking but I had a blast and it was really nice having Chuck home and my family here. James got loved on by his grandparents, my parents, and I think he enjoyed it; not that he doesn't get lots of love in general- he just got an extra helping. The past few days he's been fussy but today he's been good, just eating and sleeping so we'll see how he does.
James has ended up with baby acne, which is normal for babies, but I'm trying to get rid of it. One of the nurses I worked with in the peds ER said to use Johnson's Baby Shampoo and a soft baby brush and rub his face with it. I did it last night and it seems to have gotten a bit better so lets hope thats the cure! I think I make it worse but putting chapstick on and then kissing him but I can't help it! I can't stand having chapped lips but then again I couldn't go without kissing his chubby cheeks for awhile so... we'll see.
And of course he is awake from his nap and is HUNGRY! It's dinner time so off I go...

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

My mom requested that I add a picture of daddy on here, Chuck, soo.... it's mommy and daddy because the picture I wanted wouldn't upload right... more family pics to come after Thanksgiving!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Spitting Up and Burping

So its the week of Thanksgiving and I am soo excited! My parents are coming down andwe're doing it at my house and it will be James' first real holiday :) I have some cute bibs for him I'll have to remember to use!
On another note, James is normally a pretty laid back baby, he gets that from his daddy. However, he is HORRIBLE to burp! He gets gassy, then fussy, and in the end he pukes if he is too full and has too much gas, and its awful! Chuck and I try EVERYTHING to get him to burp, and sometimes we think he's ok but really there's more left. I've been puked on one to many times for my liking and I'm hoping we can work out this kink soon. As Chuck would say- he's a loaded weapon... and he really is! I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

4 weeks old!
My dad took this picture! I love it! Its one of the few we have together since I've had him... it only took 4 weeks :)
Here's a picture of James smiling! How cute!! I got a picture a few weeks ago but Chuck keeps telling me its just gas.... but he totally smiled at me! I just know it!

So today James is one month old!! I can't believe its been that long and its gone by so quickly! He's getting so big, people see him and say he's small but to me he just keeps getting bigger and bigger and he's quickly growing out of being a newborn. He's wearing 3-6 month clothes, and they're a little big but the fact that he can wear them is crazy! Other than that, he's a great baby and today he spent a good hour just hanging out and looking around. :) So cute!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Better Late Than Never

Ok.... so everyone keeps talking about how blogs are great for people who don't live near you and since James is four weeks old today, and since we know a lot of people out of town here's a blog for James!!!
James is really sweet and he keeps growing and growing! We went home to visit my mom and dad today and he did really good and my dad was over the moon! He is currently sleeping after a bath and dinner, and I have to say that the smell of him after a bath is WONDERFUL! :)
Well... there's something for the first blog and more to come soon!
(Thats James at 3 weeks-updated pics to come soon!)