Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Spitting Up and Burping

So its the week of Thanksgiving and I am soo excited! My parents are coming down andwe're doing it at my house and it will be James' first real holiday :) I have some cute bibs for him I'll have to remember to use!
On another note, James is normally a pretty laid back baby, he gets that from his daddy. However, he is HORRIBLE to burp! He gets gassy, then fussy, and in the end he pukes if he is too full and has too much gas, and its awful! Chuck and I try EVERYTHING to get him to burp, and sometimes we think he's ok but really there's more left. I've been puked on one to many times for my liking and I'm hoping we can work out this kink soon. As Chuck would say- he's a loaded weapon... and he really is! I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

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