Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Mr. Man

James is growing like a weed!! He is trying soooo hard to walk, he's getting closer and closer everyday! He has his three of his top teeth in and is working on the fourth- that will give him 6 teeth! He has also learned to kiss, wave bye-bye, and say "momma". :) I am already missing have a little baby but I LOVE how much he is interacting with everyone. He is soo much fun and I find myself not wanting to go to work or really do anything but stay home and play with him. I am really looking forward to taking him to the zoo, and if the weather holds out maybe we'll go at the end of summer/beginning of fall. Other than those things its been the normal routine baby stuff, which is fine by me! We are sooo luck to have such an amazingly wonderful and well behaved baby. Not to mention healthy which you just never know what you are going to get. Anyway, I will post some pictures here when I download them because he is just tooo cute and we have gotten some really great ones.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

On the move!!

James is pretty much crawling!! YIKES!

In the past few weeks he's been getting up on his shins, doing yoga poses, and backing up... however today he pretty much started moving forward and going after stuff. Pretty soon hes gonna get it completly and then we are going to be for a world of hurt because James just want to to touch EVERYTHING, like any good baby would. He is getting sooooo big, which I think I keep saying, but he really is!! I know pretty soon I'm gonna have to be thinking about his first birthday party and it makes me happy/sad! They get out of the little-baby phase so quickly. :( James has also been spending time with the grandparents and I think he's having a ton of fun. My parents adore having him there and I love that he his so comfortable. Thats it for now, lets hope he crawls for awhile before he gets up to walk!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Too Long- Again.....

OK, so its been a bit since I've updated James' blog and it is long overdue! There is much to catch up on!
Our trip to England was WONDERFUL! James was a total trooper on the plane ride. Our flight was overnight and James pretty much slept or smiled the whole way from Chicago to London. When we were boarding our flight a guy kinda rolled his eyes, and then when the plane was landing he commented on how well behaved James was. Go baby! The first week that we were there we pretty much did a lot of touring around and seeing family. James was really great about being dragged around everywhere and by the end of the trip he learned to just pass out whenever he felt tired and it was pretty cute. We stayed with Chuck's cousin Michael, his wife Larisa, and their 18mth old Sasha. James and Sasha are cousins, and even though they won't remember it, it was really nice for them to get to see each other. Larisa is from the Ukraine so Sasha speaks Ukranian and its super cute! The word for baby is lela, and Sasha would always say "Lela James, Lela James" whenever he would see or hear him and we started calling James that too. The house we stayed in is about 500 years old and has paintings of family members from Chuck's father's mother side of the family so that was pretty neat to see, and James def gets his blue eyes from them! We also were in England for the Art Award in honor of Grandma Joan, James' great-grandmother, who died the year before Chuck was born. It was the 20th year this had been going on and all four generations were there so that was super neat to be there for that. I hope that Grandpa Richard lives long enough for James to actually remember him because I think that was be increadible. I mean I think its pretty cool that James has two great-grandparents but I hope he gets to have memories he can remember with them as well.
James also managed to get his first "illness" while we were on our trip. About the middle of the second week James developed conjuctivitis, so we ended up going to an urgent treatment/ER if you will in Trowbridge. That was quite interesting and of course that has to happen when we are NOT at home but abroad, go figure. On the flip side of that, his tear duct that was blocked got cleared up so WOO HOO! We did manage to come home with some pretty nasty colds so that wasn't very much fun, but at least it was at the end. We made some great memories and I'm looking forward to going back. It was really great to spend time with the other set of grandparents and Chuck's family is great and we hardly get to see them so this really was a treat. Our first trip with James was a success and now I'm looking forward to a beach trip. :)
In other big news, James got his first two bottom teeth in a few days after hitting 6 months!! They are adorable and so far there are none others to be found. Also, James has almost mastered crawling. He can roll over from his back to his front but mostly he just scoots around and he's getting close to figuring out how to crawl but he's not there yet.
Thats about it for now and I will try and updated again sooner than I have!!!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Catching up!!

I finally have a computer so I can update the blog more frequently! Yay!

The above pictures would be James eating his first veggie tonight. It was spinache, and he is clearly delighted! :) Actually he did really good, and we've been practicing with rice cereal so he is getting better and better everyday at getting the hang of eating. I am trying to make my own baby food. I figured it would be good thing for James and it would save us a lot of money. However, the spinach I made tonight, and I know this is gross, looked JUST like James' baby poop. It kinda made my stomach turn but I had to remind myself it was just spinach and its good for him. I don't envy his having to suck down formula and munch on baby food. :)

On a happy note, we went for his 4 month check up-yes he is four months old- last Monday. James is 27in. long, and 18.6 lbs. The other day I finally went through all of his clothes and took out everything that was 3-6 months and replaced it 6-9 months. There are a few 3-6 month things that fit him, but for the most part they are too short on him, or his head is too big! He is growing up so fast I can't even believe, or stand it for that matter.

The lastest and greatest big event that is going to happen soon is that we are going to England!! We applied for James' passport a few weeks ago, we have our tickets and I am working out the baggage logistics. However, even more exciting is that Chucks family is also going to be there!! Joan is meeting us in Lexington and flying with us from Cincy to Chicago where.... his other sister, mom, dad (Mammy and grandpa), and Grandpa Richard (great-grandpa for James), are all going to meet us and from there we are flying to London! How exciting! I am sooo happy that James is going to get to spend oodles of time with his other set of grandparents and to see where they are from. Not that he will be remember but thats what the video and photo camera are for!! I'm excited to see everyone and I think it will be a really great time and to meet everyone over there! I'm all about family time and we are going to be together for 2 week and I can't wait! I'm not too worried about James on the flight, I think he'll do fine and we have plenty of helping hands so thats really good. James also has a baby cousin in England he gets to meet and I think that'll be great! We have so much going on the next few weeks and it'll be hectic but well worth it! Chucks parents have been so great about getting everything arranged we couldn't do it without them, and I only wish they were closer so we could see them more!
Anyway, thats about it in our lives at the moment but more to come soon on our upcoming adventures in veggies, packing for trips, and growing up!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Its been awhile!

Well.... James is really turning into a big boy! He is soooo sweet and when I see how much more he does everyday it reminds me how quickly it goes away. :( He is more active and he enjoys standing, with our help, of course. He has not rolled over yet, but I'm sure it is going to happen soon. I am also convinced that he has started the teething process! I know it seems crazy but he is drooling a lot and chewing a lot, so.... we'll see :) I've also recently used the exasaucer, as you can see in the picture, and James just LOVES it! He can't quite stand in it but he does a superman-looking move and he just laughs and laughs! It makes me happy to see him so smiley and I enjoy every minute I spend with him. I never thought I'd want to be a stay-at home mom, but I would love it if it I could! In a few weeks James will be 4 months old, and his daddy 25- everyone is growing up! :) And soon to follow- solid foods... :)

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


James got baptized this past weekend! He did sooo great and he only cried when he got dunked in the water! We had a super great turn out of people and it was sooo nice to have everyone there and to be able to spend time with family and friends. We had some of our friends fly in from CT, and grandparents come in from CO. James had both of his great-grandparents there, and both sets of grandparents, cousins, aunts and uncles. He is totally one lucky kid! I had so much fun and I know that Chuck did too. James ended up sleeping all afternoon once it was over because I guess all the commotion and attention got to him- hard life that little man leads. We also got to take tons of pictures and video of it. The whole church was full of people and Saturday also happened to be my grandma's 80th brithday as well. What a delight!?!
We are up visting my parents for the day and James will be spending 2 days and 3 nights here... I know he enjoys his time with his grandparents but I miss him soooo much when I'm not with him, and I hope he doesn't think that I am like abandoning him here or something. Not that this is abandonment because he gets more than plenty of attention and care. :) I guess I just have something to look forward to at the end of the weekend and two long days of work. Anyway, we are sending my grandma off today back to Germany. :( She will be missed but we will just have to keep her updated with tons of pictures! :)

Monday, January 5, 2009

Well the holidays were tons of fun, but over super quick. James got tons of stuff, of course, and from mommy and daddy he got lots of clothes for later and a couple teething rings! He slept through the opening of his gifts but we did get some super cute pictures of him with a Santa hat on in front of the tree. Also big news is that James spent a night away from mommy and daddy! Chuck and I both had to work New Years Eve until 10/11pm and we knew finding a sitter would be a challenge that late, so my dad came and got him and he spent the night up there and then came home New Years Day. My parents said he did really good and slept through the night for them. I did miss him a lot but Chuck and I had a great time and enjoyed our evening regardless. I knew he was in good hands so I wasn't too worried about it.
James is of course, continually growing everyday and he really never cease to amaze me. He is still smiling at me and he is baby talking more and more and I love it!
James is also getting baptized this weekend and I am so excited to see everyone and see how James does with it all. And because of this event Mammy (G-ma Oexmann) and Auntie Oex (Helen) are coming to town Tuesday to Sunday so YAY!!Helen finally gets to meet her nephew so hopefully they can spend some time together!
More to come soon.....